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What Men Think
David’s phone buzzed on the table. He picked it up and smiled down at the screen. “What’s that?” I asked. “Oh, it’s Kik,” David said. “What? When did you join Kik? I thought you said Instagram
Seattle Trip Roundup
This past weekend, David and I went to Seattle to celebrate David’s great-uncle Béla’s 90th birthday. And though our weekend was infused with family (some I’d met before, but most I hadn’t), we also spent some
What the Fuss, Seattle?
David and I are flying to Seattle this week to attend his great-uncle Béla’s 90th birthday celebration. We’re only in town for a few days, and we have but one evening to spend with David’s sister
A Haiku for My Love
This morning, as with most mornings, David and I lingered in bed, beneath the warm comforter, contemplating our respective tasks for the day ahead. “I’ve got to go to my studio and make photographs,” he said.
Hello there! Welcome to the newly refurbished Diva Barbarella web site. I had gone the way of laziness over the past few years, complacent with Facebook Wall posts and 140-character Twitter updates. I thought I was