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Blog Archives

Family Physics

First it was David and Liam who disappeared into the other room. Sean was next, followed by Heather a few minutes later and my mother not long after. “You’ve got to make him stop,” Jane whined

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Bush League

I was prudent in the selection of my seat. My back was to the window, ensuring I wouldn’t get too warm and could face the room; near the head of the table, at the end closest

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Junkyard Creatures

I swiveled my head back and forth, but mostly down, and tried not to panic. I’d backed myself into a corner, and not in the figurative way. There were dozens of them, and they were all

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TRASH at the New Children’s Museum

One kid’s trash is another kid’s playground! Barbarella went to check out a finger painting activity at the New Children’s Museum. Kids got messy painting a “junkyard” pink as part of the interactive TRASH exhibit. Behind

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From a Bean

I can understand why people think I don’t like kids. I don’t have any children of my own (nor do I want any), and I’m often the first to pipe up in a crowded area to

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“Eighteen. That’s a big one,” I said. “We should get her lottery tickets.” “I don’t know what your thing is with lottery tickets, that’s the third time you’ve mentioned them,” David said. “Dana suggested something zebra-themed.

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The Accident Part 1

“How’s he doing, everything okay?” It was an empty question — I was sure of the answer. There was no room in my mind to consider any alternative to fine. Dad had still been in surgery when

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Summer is for Kids

Sticky faces from melted ice cream, blood-shot eyes from chlorinated water, bathing suit wedgies and waterslide burns – not my idea of a fun way to spend the day, but the imagery does inspire in me

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An Aunt’s Role

These are the days I’ve been waiting for – all of my nieces and nephews (save for one, but he’ll catch up) have finally reached an acceptable level of maturation. No longer are they pre-ambulatory lumps

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Photography Is Not a Crime

Parents can be irritatingly protective of their children. I get it — no one wants anything nefarious to happen to the innocent. But I don’t think people realize how ridiculous much of their sheltering really is

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